Girls First: How it Works!
How the Program Works
You will need to log into and create and account for the Girls First online platform. Take the time to explore!
You can even take an e-module instruction course on how to use the program.
The new platform will allow you to favorite activities, plan meetings, log badges and track attendance.
Program Areas & Badges
In the new GF program there are 7 program badge areas.
Each of these 7 program areas has 3 theme badges with in it. If you earn 2 of the theme badges, you then earn the corresponding program badge.
1. Guide Together Program Badge
Theme Badges: Our Story, Camping and the Great Outdoors and Spirit of Guiding
2. Explore Identities Program Badge
Theme Badges: Different Together, Gender Power and Being You
3. Build Skills Program Badge
Theme Badges: Money Sense, Life Stuff, How To
4. Be Well Program Badge
Theme Badges: My Mighty Mind, My Physical Self and Healthy Relationships
5. Experiment and Create Program Badge
Theme Badges: Science Lab, Art Studio, and Design Space
6. Connect and Question Program Badge
Theme Badges: Local Communities, Canadian Connections, and World Stage
7. Take Action Program Badge
Theme Badges: Your Choice, Your Voice and Your Action
How to Earn Badges
Girls First Recommendations and Examples on How to Earn a Theme Badge
Sparks and Brownies
Participate in 6-8 activities OR do 4 instant meetings OR complete 2 challenges or any combination of the above that works for your unit.
For example, you could do: 1 challenge and 2 instant meetings 2 instant meetings and 3-4 standalone activities OR 1 challenge and 3-4 standalone activities.
Participate in 10 or more activities OR do 4 instant meetings OR complete 2 challenges OR any combination of the above that works for your unit.
For example, you could do: 1 challenge and 2 instant meetings 2 instant meetings and 5-7 standalone activities 1 challenge and 5-7 standalone activities.
Pathfinders and Rangers
Create your own series of experiences based on a theme within a program area to earn a badge, using any combination of: Set and meet your own goals and objectives to earn theme badges, activities instant meetings, challenges OR your own initiatives
Each Branch has a recommended number of activities, challenges &/or instant meetings to earn their theme badges. Units can also set their own goals and objectives. Each unit will operate differently, and that is OK! Girls and Guiders can use their own judgement to assess if they feel that they have explored the theme areas enough to earn their badge.
However, these are just guidelines! For instance, for Guides the recommended number of 10 activities. Our Guide troop does almost double the recommend activities in a theme. The main reason for us is so any girl that misses a meeting has the opportunity to earn her badge and participate in activities and explore the theme we are working on.
All branches have the same program areas and themes. The badges are similar looking and have their assigned branch colours.
The program and theme areas for each branch build on the topics, skills, experiences and knowledge gained at the previous level. However, this does not mean that you cannot do an activity from a different branch level.
Our Guide unit has done many of our own activities, but also many Pathfinder activities, and has also used some Brownie activities.
Girls can also access the platform and like their favorite activities.