SWAPS & Crafty Things

Mini Chocolate Mint Cookie Box Hat Craft
Cut 8.5" x 11" card stock width-wise in half
Print mini chocolate mint cookie box craft document
Cut printed box out
Cut slits at red dotted lines
Fold at black lines
Staple ribbon to hang from pin to the inner side of box
Glue or tape box together
Optional - cover with Modge Podge glue or clear nail polish to protect

​Mini Grilled Cheese Hat Craft
Spray paint bottle-caps black
Spray paint mini-popsicle stick black
Drill small hole for safety pin in popsicle stick
Glue to bottom of bottle-cap
Cut small orange and white fun-foam
Glue to make small grilled-cheese sandwich
Draw grill marks with pencil

Emergency S'more Kit printable
mini resealable bag
1 x chocolate chip
1 x mini marshmallow
1 x toothpick
1 x wooden safety match
2 x mini cracker or cookie

Classic Vanilla & Chocolate Cookie Hair Clips
3/4 inch fun foam circle cuts outs of:
3 x light brown ​
2 x dark brown
1 x white
2 x hair clips​
Glue-gun bottom of cookie to hair clip
Glue middle and top portion to form cookie
Place Classic Vanilla Cookie Trefoil Sticker and Classic Chocolate Cookie Trefoil Sticker on top of cookie (Avery Multi -Use Labels 02102)
Optional - Modge Podge glue or clear nail polish over sticker​

Campfire Hat Craft
Drill hole on the side for pin in plastic bottle top
Tear pieces of red and yellow tissue paper, and glue to inside of cap
Glue 3 to 5, 2.5 inch small twig lengths to form tee-pee style fire

Bread-Tag Traders
Draw designs with permanent markers
Attach to thin poly-cord and pin
Trade with everyone in your unit

Canada Flag Friendship Beads
73 x small red beads
44 x small white beads
12 x 1 inch safety pins
1 x 1.5 inch safety pin
Hang pins in order on 1.5 inch safety pin
Loop all 12, 1 inch pins through loop of 1.5 inch pin to hang off back side of pin

Time Capsule Hat Craft
​5 inch piece of half inch plastic straw
3 inch wide piece of paper
Hole punch
Write message for time capsule
Staple one end of straw
Place rolled paper in straw
Staple other side an inch from end
Hole punch
Label time capsule

New Mini Chocolate Mint Cookie Box Hat Craft ​
Print mini chocolate mint cookie box craft document on card stock
(print 4 and copy for a full page of printables)
Cut printed box out
Cut slits at white dotted lines
Fold on black lines
Staple ribbon to hang from pin to the inner side of box
Glue or tape box together
Optional - cover with tape, Modge Podge glue or clear nail polish to waterproof