Guiding: A family tradition

My mother was a Brownie. I was a Brownie, and my daughter is a Brownie.
In grade one I joined Brownies. I practiced the reef knot to tie my scarf, and recited the Brownie promise until it was burned into my brain. I still have to correct myself with my own Brownie unit from saying the old promise even though it changed.
{Right photo: Passed done Brownie Pin}
We dreamt of the Brownie story, wanting nothing more than to go from being a Tweenie to a real Brownie.
I slept in my uniform, and wanted to wear it everyday until my mother had to institute the rule that my uniform was only to be worn on meeting days; much to my dismay.

I practiced, and practiced the Brownie promise. I read, and reread the Brownie story, about the sisters who lived in the cottage, in the woods. About the wise old owl, and about the helpful Brownies. Every time I read it, it was more magical.
On enrollment night I walked to the magic pond, my Brown Owl twisted me, and turned me until I saw myself. I was asked if I understood what a promise was; and if I was ready. I am surprised I didn’t scream yes!
{Left Photo Above: Brand new Brownie uniform, circa 1984. Right Photo Above: Making my Brownie Promise}
So, I braved the crowd of parents and fellow Brownies and recited the Brownie promise, and surprise; my Owl announced that I was not getting a new Brownie pin like the other girls, but the pin my mom wore as a Brownie!

I felt on top of the world! I knew even at that age that my inheritance was something special and to be treasured. That moment started a long string of memories and friendships.
{Left Photo: My Mom receiving her Canada Cord, May 22nd,

I had the chance two years ago to pass along my Mother's Brownie pin to my daughter. She is the third generation to wear this pin. She knows she has something special in her possession. I wonder if one day another generation from my family-line will wear it to? Will I perhaps pass down my Owl pin to her when she becomes a Guider?
Now, every enrollment I ask if any parents have pins that they would like to pass down to create their own Guiding traditions!
{Right Photo: My daughter & I}