Concerns for the New Guiding Program
I recently posted a few of my concerns about the new Girls First program, coming this Fall in a Facebook discussion on a Guider site.
I posted, and waited for the backlash that usually follows when your post your opinions online.
Much to my surprise, many Guiders have the same fears and concerns. The post also gave me other points to consider.
To be clear, I know that all the staff creating the new program are working tirelessly to create the best Guiding program in Canada. On the-other-hand, Guiders are only getting vague updates about the new program and feel left in the dark.
I am not afraid of change, but am fearful that the program is not headed in a direction I had hoped.
My goal is to develop a love of the outdoors in my girls, and for them to become outdoor adventurers.
I am frequently asked why I do not have my daughter in Scouting, since I am involved with Scouts Canada to? I like it being a girls-only organization, and I was in Guiding myself and believe that with dynamic and outgoing leaders it can be synonymous to the Scouting program.
FYI - I also need to separate my kids to prevent constant arguments, because they would have been the the same units. I am greying enough as it is!
I wanted to participate as a test unit, but knew that I had to many obligations with Guiding and Scouting to be able to commit the extra time. I commend other units that were able to do this.
Last year, Scouts Canada transitioned to a new program called The Canadian Path. Like all programs there are things we like about them, and things we don't.
We LOVE the Outdoor Skills badges that are level based
We do not like the online only content. The kids and Scouters miss having a hard copy book of the program
The online content and much of the materials to present the program are cartoonish for the youth and Scouters
The Special Interest badges are youth-led, which is great and they can create their own adventure. However, they tend to stay in their comfort zone and not push themselves
Like the new Guiding program, we like that the program builds and connects at different branches
We really miss the handbooks, and so do the kids. My son carried his Cub Handbook around the first year like a bible. Now, most of the kids do not know where to get the information.
This is a big fear for the Girls First program. Yes, I understand that having the program online means that it will be fluid and not static, and can be changed and altered as needed, but kids and Guiders like to have hard-copies. How am I going to present the program at meetings? How much printing will I need to do?
We are concerned about those who do not have reliable internet or no internet? As parents, we registered our girls to get them off of electronics and technology, and get them outside.
It is hard to believe that some units do not camp. My main reason for becoming a Guider was to teach the girls to camp and to learn outdoor survival skills. Camping is currently not mandatory.
The new program looks like it will have 7 program themes, with 3 sub-themes under each program. Camping is 1 sub-theme. This is where my irritation began. It made me feel like camping was an after-thought in the new program, equal to learning about currency.
I feel like the current program is severely lacking in this area. So our unit has always added a lot
more outdoor skills, and will continue to do so in the new program. We do them every year; knife training, fire-building, tracking, knot-tying, and this year I plan to teach the Brownies how to set a snare in case of a survival situation.
Girl Guides encourages us to teach outdoor skills, and to camp, but they are not standardized or done by all units.
Yes, all areas of the program can be done while hiking or camping. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about standardized skills for the girls to learn about outdoor and survival skills.
As it is, many of the girls feel like the program is to school-like. The parents ask if Guiding is like Scouting for girls. It is true with our unit, but what about yours? Parents want a girls-only outdoor program. Ask any girl what her favorite thing is about Guiding, most respond with S'mores and camping!
Is the lack of outdoor interest based on location, skills and knowledge? Costs?
We have some new Guiders taking over the unit next year when we move up in branches. The new program is coming out this Fall? The new leaders will start in the new program so they do not have to learn two separate programs. Apparently, there will be training. What about those who can't or don't have the time. What about those that are rural? What about those, like myself; who prefer to make a pot of coffee and sit down and read a book to learn something.
We have been told that the challenges have been incorporated into the new program. So, does this mean there are no challenge crests? Let's be honest, the girls do the challenges for the crests.

The trefoil has changed many times already, and the Girls First logo is very clean an contemporary looking. I don't mind it, even though it does look cartoonish. I do love the maple leaf!.
It will take us Guiders some time to get used to it. The biggest issue for me with the new logo, is trying to easily reproduce it for crafting!
Like many Guiders, I see why so many girls change to Scouting. I feel a bit shrouded about the new program, only getting vague tidbits about where programming is going. Although, it is still in the process of being created. I am trying to remain optimistic.
I hope that we can get information soon to start preparing. It may be girl-led, but Guiders still need to plan and prepare. It is in our nature to 'Be Prepared'.
You can also contact Girl Guides of Canada, Girls First to voice your concerns as I have. Your contribution of ideas is what the program is all about.
What are your thoughts about the new program or program changes? Leave me a comment or send me an email. I would love to know what you think!