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Update: Concerns for the New Guiding Program

I wrote a blog post last week about some of my concerns for the new Guiding program, Girls First. I tried to present my own, and many of the concerns that other Guiders had shared with me. I first shared some concerns on social media Guiding sites, then wrote a letter to Girl Guides of Canada, and then finally wrote a blog post.

I was sincerely taken aback by the private emails I received, and the outpouring of comments on social media about my blog post. It still amazes me how invested and passionate Guiders are. Your responses proved, that you all want the best program available for our girls. It is because of you that our girls love Guiding. Thank you!

I have always been outgoing and, well, let's be honest, outspoken. As a youth in Guiding, I was encouraged to comment upon and appraise situations I felt strongly about; and to make sure my voice was heard. I am happy to report, nothing in Guiding has changed.

This past weekend I was contacted by a member of Girl Guides of Canada's National Office, Girls First program. My blog post was shared with her, and she reached out to me to help answer some of my questions about the new program.

So, in-between flights from a Girl's First conference, she arranged to chat with me on a Sunday afternoon.

After speaking with her, I felt much more optimistic about the soon to be released Girls First program. She took the time to answer my questions, and address my concerns. To be honest, her excitement was contagious!


New Program


The program content for Girls First will be released by the end of this Guiding year. The new programming will apparently have a lot of outdoor and camping material, it is a sub-theme, but I was assured that it is also incorporated, like STEM, into almost all of the other 7 themes and sub-themes in one form or another. These will be age appropriate, and build on skills branch-to-branch.

There will be a large choice of instant meetings, for example; camping and outdoor themes. Guiders and girls can choose to use the instant meetings or create their own experiences. Program information will be accessible to all, even those in remote internet areas.



Activities for the Girls First program will be accessible by the new Guiding year. Evidently, there will be tonnes of activities to choose from; branch specific.

For example, if your Brownie unit finds some of these activities not challenging enough or too challenging, you can choose to do Guide or Spark activities, or create your own.

These will likely continue to grow with Guider activity submissions. Therefore, if you have great program, craft or activity ideas, share them at: Submit Your Favorite Activities Here or visit Girls First.



I am pleased to announce that Girl Guides of Canada has no intention for computers, tablets and phones to be required at meetings. Although, you can if you choose to do so.

The program will have different options and tools for program presentation to units: online and offline. It sounds like the delivery method will be at the discretion of the unit.

I would like to spend less time online, and do hope that this comes through for units and families with limited internet access. I was assured that the information will reach everyone!



I expressed my concerns about printing, because I feel like my printer is always running non-stop.

We will have the choice of what, if anything we will want to print. Pages to print will have the option to print in black and white, with the no-frill essentials. With to the extensive lists of evolving interactive activities, this makes sense. It will always be up-dated with new activities, so we print what we want, or choose to take notes.



Our new Girls First badges information will be released soon. All I can say, is that they sound beautiful, and a much better quality than the current Sparks and Brownie badges.


During our conversation, I felt my concerns were heard. She also noted some of the concerns and insights other Guiders brought to my attention.

We spoke of the Canadian Path program transition last year with Scouts Canada, and relevant issues I experienced with that program. She reported that there have been dialogues with those involved in the Scouts and Guiding program.

It is difficult to decipher the different information we get. The program is still being created, yet we get small slices of information, and not the whole pie.

I will say, that I feel more confident after our conversation that this new program will represent our interests and values. I am sure that there will be some kinks and wrinkles next year, but with continued girl, and Guider feedback, I am feeling much more optimistic!

We are still encouraged to camp, that is not going to change. Groups that are providing extra outdoor skills and knowledge are applauded for their tenacity. Don't stop! Let us all try to push these girls outside of their comfort-zone, and become outdoor warriors.

My blog post, and my conversation, reaffirmed my belief that if you don't speak up, you will never be heard. I will continue teaching my girls survival skills, and we will camp, then go again!

Take the time to contact Girls First program advisers with your concerns, questions, and suggestions. We create the programming with our feedback, and may continue to change it in the future as necessary.

All-in-all, I still have some concerns and reservations, but feel more confident that as they arise, I can reach out to voice my thoughts. I know that each person can make a difference and be heard.

Don't forget to share, like and leave me a comment in the newly updated comments box!


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