Lend a Hand: A Helpful Brownie Challenge

Are you looking for a fun Brownie activity to accompany the telling of the Brownie Story? There are many versions of the Brownie Story, and one currently in the Brownie Handbook.
Personally, I love the story from the 1981-1991, The Brownie Programme. Like most of the stories, it is about two young girls who do not help out around the house. Their Granny tells them the story of the helpful Brownies, and the wise old Owl in the woods.

The one girl finds the Owl, and asks to see a Brownie. She is told to go to the magic pond, spin around three times and say 'twist me, and turn me and show me an elf. I looked in the water and their saw ... myself'. She can't wait to tell her sister. They finally help out around the house, and Granny says that it must be the helpful Brownies who came.
As a young Brownie, I was inspired by this magical story, and I would sneak around the house and tidy up. Let's be honest, it is hard to get kids to help out at home; especially without arguing. The Brownie motto is 'Lend a Hand', and what better place to start then at home?

Personally, I feel that children should grow up with chores. My thoughts are that if they live here, they need to participate in the goings on of the household. My kids, begrudgingly, help with dishes: meal preparation, garden and yard work, stacking firewood, vacuuming, and helping with the animals; including mucking out pens and the yard.
Not only does participating in chores help them develop abilities and skills. It also does wonders for their self-esteem.
Helpful Brownie Challenge

This challenge does not earn a crest, but can help fulfill some badge and key work. The idea and craft were inspired by stumbling upon a website Red Ted Art, where I found this adorable craft that translated perfectly for Brownies. We love SWAPS, and decided to have the girls use them to do a good deed everyday!
First read your favorite version of the Brownie Story. Have a discussion about it. Ask girls what kinds of chores they are asked to do at home? What kinds of chores or tasks could they do without being asked. Most girls are eager to share their stories.
Secondly, print Lend a Hand Helpful Brownie Challenge and encourage them to do and write down a good deed everyday for the next week. Have the girls share how they lent a hand the following week!

1 x 2 inch styrofoam ball, cut in half
1 x wine bottle cork
glue gun
Option for pinning to hat: 1 x paper clip cut in half, or round screw hook
(old wine corks are available at most wine-making supply stores for free!)
Glue cork to bottom half of styrofoam
Glue paper clip half to the top of the toadstool, pushing into the foam
Brownie Elf

1 x 10-12 inch pipe cleaner (use Brownie circle colours)
1 x small wooden bead
3-4 strands of yarn
1 x acorn top
black marker
glue gun
Visit Red Ted Art for full step-by-step instructions
Fold pipe cleaner in half
Thread yarn for hair half-way through the loop of folded pipe cleaner
Run bead through pipe cleaner to hair end
Twist, and form arms
Twist and form legs
Draw face
Glue acorn hat on head
This craft was easy to do, and had such a positive message, that reinforced the Brownie motto. It was perfect to do early in the year before our enrollment ceremony, and the girls wear them on their hats now.
I still ask a few girls every week during our meeting closing what they did that week to 'Lend a Hand'?
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