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Guider Confessions: Doing my Best

Generally, things look like they are well organized, and that we have it together at meetings. HA!HA! No seriously, things run pretty smoothly but forgive me when they don't.

Guiders are human, despite what our girls think, and we do our best. Some weeks we do not have time to prepare. Sometimes planned activities that we thought would be wonderful end up being a complete disaster.

We have lives, jobs, families, partners, kids, classes, broken down vehicles, colds, aches and pains, and not to mention the other activities our kids are in and the four other things we volunteered for!

Most days I am excited about a meeting or adventure. However, there are days where I would rather be in my jammy pants, cozied up binge-watching Netflix; eating pizza pockets and cookies. But I 'buck-up' and Guide on.


I always feel bad at the beginning and end of meetings; parents try to chat, but I am pulled in 37 different directions. I apologize, I want to give you my full attention, but it always seems impossible.

Thank you for waiting for 13 minutes while a girl had to at that very moment tell me the complete story about the time her uncle rubbed his face after touching poison ivy. Thank you again for emailing me with the details, which I could not remember, due to the poison ivy saga...

Thank you for volunteering to come to camp, bake cookies, and help out when needed with our circus!


To be fair to everyone, we do different activities. We try to play the games, make the crafts, sing the songs and go on all the outings you have chosen. Sometimes, we just can not do them all.

I am sorry that sometimes, we must split up some of you (my daughter included) for activities, games and tents; because you are completely insane when you are together. A pack of hyena's comes to mind. Just kidding.... sort of!

I am sorry that I made you all stand in line and count off 4 times tonight; until everyone was attentive and was accounted for. I take being responsible for you seriously! We haven't lost a girl yet.... Is there a badge for that?

Furthermore, thank you for always pushing me to test my stamina, creative and organizing abilities. Not to mention my patience and noise tolerance, which is much greater than before I was a Guider.

My Daughter

I feel I need to apologize to my own daughter. I completely ignore you when you are acting like a brat. When we are Guiding, you are another Guider's problem to deal with. It is an unspoken Guider rule. I will deal with yours, if you deal with mine!

I know you sometimes feel that 'I never pick you' or that 'the other girls in our unit come first'. Hopefully, one day you will understand my dear, you are always first to me, but I cannot always pick you. This is a life lesson that I hope you will one day understand. So go on and sulk for now, you will survive; it is part of what I have been teaching you.

My Guiders

Oh, my Guiders! Sorry seems like an understatement! I must seem like a complete basket-case. I think out-loud, come up with outlandish ideas, and always want to do more. 'I have a great idea, it shouldn't take long to prepare..... ' 17 hours later.....

Moreover, thank you for standing-by-me! It is always a roller coaster, and we do earn that night-cap when we get home. You are always helpful and smiling, and we could not do it without you!

Thank You

Despite being exhausted, craving jammies and pizza pockets tonight, you made me smile.

The big hug I received as you exclaimed 'Snowy Owl" made everything worth while. You are all amazing young women. I can't wait to see what you will do next!


Girl Guiding

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